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How to integrate Ironclad
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you'll:

Note: Ironclad is available on the Professional subscription level. Please click here to learn more about the pricing plans. If you would like to upgrade your plan, click here to learn more.


Capture the power of Ironclad and empower your business with contract management and have this information push directly into Xakia without human intervention.

A workflow with Ironclad will look like this:

  • Your business user will interact with Ironclad to create a workflow

  • The information gathered by Ironclad will push into Xakia as a matter:

    • Assigned to the appropriate member of your legal team

    • Internal contacts = business requester

    • Status = in progress / awaiting action depending on status in Ironclad

    • Noted as resources = 'automated - partial'

  • Updates in Ironclad will push through as 'status notes' on the Xakia matter

  • When the Ironclad workflow is completed, the Xakia matter will also be updated to status = completed

Capturing this information brings all of your Xakia information together in one platform - as your single, central source of truth and in-house legal hub.

Ironclad and Xakia integration

The Ironclad integration can be configured directly from 'Admin' in the Xakia platform. Follow these instructions below to get started.

Step 1: Ironclad API Key

  • Login to your Ironclad instance and navigate to 'Company Settings'

  • Select 'API' from the settings menu. If the API option is not available, please contact Ironclad Support

  • Enter a description for the new token e.g. ‘Xakia Integration’ and press 'Create'

  • Ensure you copy the token as it will not be accessible later

Step 2: Xakia configuration

  • In Xakia, navigate to 'Admin' > 'Integrations' and select the 'Automation' tab

  • In the 'Provider' drop-down, select 'Ironclad'. The Ironclad configuration panel will show

  • Enter your API token from Ironclad into the 'API Token' field and press ‘Check Credentials’ to confirm the API key is working

  • Press 'Save' to confirm the configuration

Step 3: Ironclad to Xakia mapping

Ironclad workflows are mapped to Xakia templates to provide default values for fields that may not exist in Ironclad. Multiple Ironclad templates can mapped to a single Xakia template, allowing you to have a single ‘Ironclad Template’ in Xakia.

Any Ironclad workflows that are NOT mapped to a Xakia template will be ignored by the integration and a matter will NOT be created for them. This allows you to opt-in or out of the integration for Ironclad workflows as needed.

  • Press ‘Add Template’ to create a new Ironclad to Xakia mapping

  • On the left-hand side of the mapping, enter the 'Ironclad Workflow' template id you want to map.

The workflow id can be found in Ironclad by starting a workflow and copying the id from the URL in the browser.

For example, if the URL is, the template id is 5f4d3c02c5cdd7f904438e04

  • On the right-hand side of the mapping, select the Xakia template to map to from the drop-down

  • Press 'Save' to confirm the configuration

Internal Client Portal integration with Ironclad

If you are using the Internal Client Portal, you can connect Ironclad to your Internal Client Portal. This will direct your internal clients to Ironclad.

Note: you must have the Ironclad integration connected first before you can connect your Internal Client Portal.

Follow the below steps below to connect Ironclad to your Internal Client Portal:

  • In Xakia, select 'Admin' in the top navigation menu

  • Navigate to 'Xakia Advance' in the left hand panel

  • Select the 'Internal Client Portal' tab

  • Select the 'Tiles' tab

  • Click on the 'Add New' button

  • Give your Tile a 'Name' and 'Description'

  • Under 'Type', select 'Ironclad'

  • Insert Ironclad URL

  • Click on the 'Save' button

In the Internal Client Portal, a Tile connected to Ironclad will be displayed. When selected by the Internal Client, it will direct them to Ironclad through a new window.

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