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How to whitelist our emails and IP addresses
How to whitelist our emails and IP addresses
Updated over a week ago

Please whitelist our email and IP addresses to ensure you can receive emails from Xakia and can access our web address.

It is extremely important that you whitelist us to ensure you continue to receive our emails and notifications. A whitelist is a list of email addresses and/or domains that you want to receive email from. Failure to whitelist us properly may cause our emails to be blocked or filtered into your Spam folder.

You'll need to check with your mail provider or contact your IT administrator for assistance.

In this article, you'll learn how to whitelist:

Receiving emails from Xakia

To avoid missing critical emails and notifications from us, please add ALL of the following email addresses to your address book:

This tells the inbox that it should expect to receive emails coming from that address. Each email client has a different process for adding email addresses, which you can find in help documentation for that email client.

How to whitelist our IP addresses

Xakia uses dedicated IP addresses for sending emails, so you can be sure you are receiving notifications and alerts.

Some corporate email filters have custom settings which, for various reasons, will disallow emails received from our system. Xakia has implemented dedicated IP addresses so your IT team can be confident that only emails from Xakia will be received from these addresses, and thus, these IP addresses can be whitelisted.

If you are having difficulty receiving some of our emails, we highly recommend you follow the steps below. Alternatively, you can provide this article to your email or IT administrator to ensure you are receiving all critical notifications.

Notification emails are sent from the address

  • If you are using Gmail, follow the steps in this article.

  • If you are using Exchange 2013, 2016, or Office 365, follow the steps in this article.

If you are not using either of the above email clients and your email administrator is not sure how to resolve deliverability issues, please contact our support team to troubleshoot.

Which IP addresses should you whitelist?

The critical notifications sent from our dedicated IP address is:

The full range of IP addresses we may use to send non-critical emails include the following:












We recommend whitelisting all the above IP addresses to prevent any of our notifications being marked as spam.

Accessing Xakia's Web Addresses

In rare cases, your organization's security may block our web addresses. If you are having difficulty accessing our web addresses, we highly recommend you work with your IT team in order to whitelist the below addresses:

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