Automation and Resourcing
Updated over a week ago

Capture data to show your 'automated' resourcing options

When linking Xakia to an automation tool, it's possible to leverage the Resourcing data field to capture information about whether a matter is resourced through automation 'in part' or 'in full'. To do so, there are two steps:

Step 1

A Location Administrator must:

  • Click on 'Admin' in the top navigation menu

  • Click on 'Integrations' in the left-hand menu

  • Click on the 'Automation' tab in the main window

  • Select the automation provider and click 'Save'

  • Dependent upon the automation provider, there will be further information to complete in this section

Step 2

The automation provider will use Xakia's API to integrate with your Xakia instance. This will either or both:

  • Push legal requests through to Xakia with Resourcing = 'Automated - in part'

  • Push completed matters through to Xakia with Resourcing = 'Automated - in full'

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