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Setting up the NetDocuments Integration

Learn how to use our NetDocs integration

Updated over a week ago

Xakia's out-of-the-box integration with NetDocuments allows you to use both technologies seamlessly.

In this article:

To set up your integration, you will need to involve somebody who is familiar with NetDocuments and who has both repository and cabinet administration rights for the cabinet you wish to connect. Click here to learn how to set up a NetDocuments Cabinet for use with the Xakia NetDocuments integration.

Connecting the systems

We recommend setting up a special user account in NetDocuments for the sole use of the Xakia integration, rather than an account of an existing user. This way if users accounts are deactivated in NetDocuments, the integration between Xakia and NetDocuments will continue to work as normal.

To connect the systems, please follow these steps below:

  • Click on 'Admin' in the top navigation bar

  • Click on 'Integrations' in the left hand menu

  • Select the 'Document Management' tab

  • Under the 'Document Management System' section select 'NetDocuments' from the 'Provider' drop-down

  • You will be asked to provide authentication in NetDocuments - follow the prompts

  • Once authenticated, the following information must be completed:

    • Decide whether you want to be able to link multiple Xakia matters to a single NetDocuments

    • Select the cabinet or cabinets you wish to link matters to

    • Select the default cabinet to which your matters will connect

    • Select the text you wish to display in your matter name in NetDocuments eg. 'DivisionMatter' will show the matter number, followed by the Division name and then the matter name

  • Determine the attributes you wish to pass through to NetDocuments

    • Provide an attribute list that corresponds to the last 2 digits of the NetDocuments Profile Attribute Identifier for each attribute in the following order: Division, Subdivision, Category, Subcategory

    • Set an attribute value to 0 if you do not want it mapped

    • Example attribute list of 7, 0, 15, 17 maps as follows

      • Division is mapped to the NetDocuments Profile Attribute Identifier ending in 7

      • Subdivision is not mapped

      • Category is mapped to the NetDocuments Profile Attribute Identifier ending in 15

      • Subcategory is mapped to the NetDocuments Profile Attribute Identifier ending in 17

    • Please note that Xakia will update NetDocuments lookup table values when syncing Matters

      • Ensure that the NetDocuments lookup table values for the mapped attributes do not already contain any of the same values as the associated Xakia list because duplicated descriptions are not allowed in NetDocuments lookup lists

Using Single Sign On with NetDocuments

If you have Single Sign On with NetDocuments, you may need to follow these steps:

  • In Chrome, open an ‘incognito’ window (from the three dots on the top right corner of your Chrome window)

  • Login to Xakia – copy this link:

  • Open a new tab in your incognito session

  • Login to NetDocuments (use company login / SSO)

  • Leave ND window open

  • Go back to the Xakia platform

  • Navigate to Admin > Integrations > Document Management, and select 'NetDocuments' from the drop-down in the 'Provider' field

  • Click to authenticate (click need login assistance and use organisational login)

  • The authentication should complete as expected

  • Navigate away from this page (eg. go to the Matters list) and then go back to Admin > Integrations

  • Check that you can create and open NetDocuments workspaces from your matters

A note about Default NetDocuments Permissions

The Xakia integration with NetDocuments relies on two things from a security standpoint.

  • The authenticating user for initializing the integration must have administrative access to the cabinets in question. Whenever we create workspaces, or update attribute tables, it is this user that will perform the API requests to NetDocuments. They will have to be granted the necessary permission to modify those resources within the NetDocuments API.

  • The Xakia legal users that will create or link to existing workspaces, must also have access to the cabinets either individually or inside of a group. They must ultimately have either **E** or **A** permissions for the cabinet in which workspaces are going to be created. A common error you might receive during workspace creation is `Tried to link user with email {userEmail} to Net Documents cabinet {cabinet} however that user doesn't appear to have ND write access on that cabinet or they do not have a Net Documents account.` This is indicative of the user not having **E** or **A** permissions for the cabinet

A note on Enhanced NetDocuments Security

There is an enhanced feature inside of Xakia to allow us to more granularly manage the ACLs inside of NetDocuments cabinet whenever a matter has been marked Confidential. This feature can be turned off by request. When a matter gets marked as confidential, we create a 'xak-{matterGuid}' security group inside of your NetDocuments account and manage the membership of that group with the Matter Manager and Team Members for the matter in question. We apply that group as the ACL to the workspace and its contents.

If the matter is later marked as 'non-confidential' our system will stop maintaining the membership of the group and it will remain in the state prior to when the matter was updated. You can either manually remove the security group, and restore whatever base ACL permissions you would like, or modify the corresponding security group to allow 'everyone' access.

Click here to learn how the NetDocuments integration works.

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